Tuesday, November 2, 2010

On Wasting Time

If you're always doing what you're supposed to be doing, you'll never have time to do what you're not supposed to be doing...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reality Check

I stopped believing in Jesus a long time ago. Since then I've known he is real.

Historicity of Jesus

The historicity of Jesus concerns how much of what is written about Jesus of Nazareth is historically reliable.

There is no evidence for the existence of Jesus that comes from the time of Jesus—no writings or artefacts of his, no accounts of him written in his lifetime – and critics often accuse Biblical scholars of creating Jesus in their own image...
-Wikipedia's Historicity of Jesus

My conclusion is not that Jesus didn't exist, but that the evidence for his existence doesn't exist.

Monday, September 20, 2010

40% and counting

A couple of months ago I started counting hours towards a useful time goal. Right now I'm at a little over 40% (check the counter.)

I've read, researched, worked, helped, traveled, exercised and I feel much better about myself. I'll keep counting just because I want to complete the goal, but I feel comfortable saying I balance work and fun quite well.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Espero que pronto aprendas

Espero que ... sepas escoger quien te acompanna.

Espero que ... entiendas lo que determina el valor de un amigo.

Espero que ... utilices cambio exacto; asi te mantienes en justicia.

Espero que ... honres siempre a tu familia.

Espero que ... cuides a los que son como tus hermanos.

Espero que ... entiendas que la gente no puede aprovechar una oportunidad que no se le da.

Espero que ... puedas orar por esa persona que te hace infeliz.

Espero que ... no hagas daƱo mientras te defiendes.

Espero que ... aproveches aquellas oportunidades que te hacen mejor persona.

Espero que ... te des cuenta que puedes sentirte mejor al perdonar, aprender y entonces olvidar.

Espero que ... tu ejemplo inspire a tus amigos a dejar el rencor.

Espero que ... entiendas que hay que dar sin esperar nada a cambio.

Espero que ... aprendas de Todas tus experiencias y concecuencias de tus acciones!

Espero que ... puedas dar a las cosas el valor que se merecen.

Espero que ... logres cambiar mas cosas para mejorar el mundo.

Espero que ... seas amado y entiendas que el amor si es suficiente.

Espero que ... puedas escoger sabiamente q quieres alcanzar y lo q perderas por ello.

Espero que ... vivas agradecido de todo lo que se te ha dado.

Espero que ... entiendas que nunca terminaras de aprender.

(from backups Sept. 2008)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Reality Check

At a mere 10% of the way I accept that since I'm going to play, might as well be the game I like. It felt good having a restraint or a goal and go for it. I'll keep the goal... maybe even go a it more aggressively, but if I'm playing, it'll be MW2 or whatever.

First blood triple kill with an AT4-HS in Search and Destroy, coming up!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Something Useful With My Time

I've spent over 480 hrs becoming a decent MW2 player. So, I've decided that until I spend 240 hrs developing any useful skill, I won't play MW2... Counter begins today.

Maybe 240 is too much for one skill, I'll see if I can spread it among various skills. Also, note I said develop and not learn. I'm aiming at getting better at something I already know, but I won't give up the opportunity to learn something new.

Computer languages are an easy start. Lots of tutorials and support on the WWW. I'll develop my Java first and try to take me above the intermediate level. Then I think I'll develop scripting or get into CCNA Self-Study towards possible certification. I'll throw in some FPGA programming and hopefully I won't forget how to get your flag, knife you before capturing my flag and return my flag in less than a second.

Friday, April 2, 2010

My MW2 Feats

Anti air support
  • kill harrier and pavelow with one missile
  • kill harrier and chopper gunner with one missile
  • kill two harriers with one missile

Search & destroy
  • first blood with at4-hs
  • first blood triple kill with at4-hs

Capture the flag
  • captured flag over 10 times in a match (balanced teams)
  • return flag right after knifing flag carrier right after getting enemy flag (or get flag, knife enemy with flag and return flg in less than a second)
  • best accolades in one match (double threat, most flags captured, most flags returned)

  • best accolades in one match (most bombs planted, most bombs defused)

  • best accolades in one match (most targets destroyed, most bombs planted, most bombs defused)